Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Check this out! Whether or not you like dubstep, this video is a must see. Youtube user Mrlalalala is an amazing dancer that seems to have a knack for perfect timing and ability. There are a few other dubstep dancing videos that I want to show you guys, stay tuned for those in upcoming posts. Discuss the video, or dubstep in genreal in the comments. Swaged out!


  1. He is the embodiment of dubdance.
    He needs to hook up with some strobe lights.

  2. nice checked it out@

    come help support a dream

    The Dream Journal

  3. WOuld have been a little better with some lighting but he's certainly in time with the music.

    The thing with dancing in general is if you do it alone you look weird, biut if you've got fifty people behind you all doing the same thing in sync you look awesome.

  4. he looks like a fagoot, but nice moves

  5. Oh, so thats how one dances to dubstep. I didn't think it was possible.

  6. Wow, thats good, gotto learn dome moves now!

  7. Wow that was awesome. If this guy came up here to one of our raves, he would be guaranteed some company in bed later that night.

  8. I'm not a huge fan of dubstep but that guy has some dope moves.

  9. He appears to have gotten his swaggah back.
