Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wow! These painting is amazing in my eyes, all puns intended. I stumbled upon it while browsing devient art earlier. Check out the artists other work here. Tell me what you think in the comments!


  1. Oh my god that's beautiful, clicking that link right now!

  2. that is a great painting, I am going to check out the other artists too

    looking forward to more

  3. Paint ; art formed itself on paper .
    I am dazed

  4. Absolutely stunning. It's so intriguing but so simple. wonderful.

  5. looks like watercolors! I wish i could paint well...:-/ whenever i do it looks like a little kid painted it

  6. Looks really inspiring, might get myself some paint and canvas later on :D

  7. Wow..symbolic of how random mutation resulted in evolution from nothing to what we are, the way the paint randomly dripping down the canvas seems to form those eyes. Really makes you realise how insignificant we are in the universe.

  8. normally i try to avoid works of art that are abstract and generally emo.

    this one dosnt really fall into any of those categorizes on account of use of color and space, i enjoy how the eyes are positioned correctly according to facial structure. just without the rest.

  9. Wow that's really beautiful, definitely saved this one.

  10. Amazing picture thanks for the link will definately be checking it out!
